Saturday 13 October 2012

decisions decisions decisions

Both from Topshop

Now that we have winter in October, i was in desperate need of a new coat! The only problem? I cant decide which one to keep. This is a daily occurrence for me; I am the most indecisive person you will find - I wouldn't be able to make up my mind if my life depended on it. So i need your help in choosing! The navy would be good for smartish occasions but the red is more suitable for daily wearing. However the red can make me look like Mrs. Santa Claus/ too wintery!They both cost the same - £75 (60 with student discount) so that doesn't affect my choice.

Any ideas?!


  1. I think the navy would a better option as it would go with more things?
    both suit you though!

    thanks for the comment!

    1. yeah i was thinking that... thank you! x x

  2. Yeh, I love the navy one the best. More use out of it I guess but both are good choices. You have good taste :)


  3. I just love that Topshop fairlse jacket, I have being eyeing that up for ages and would love to own it hehe! I'd choose the red one hehe x

    1. Its so warm! I just want to wear it all the time haha. thanks for advice x

  4. The red one is fab, you don't look like mrs claus at all, the navy one is nice how ever..very classic and would go with a lot. For me though I think the red one just edges it.

    Love your blog, Maddie xx

  5. They both look so lovely on you! I would say the navy one is the sensible option but my heart just adores the red one so much! It doesn't make you look like Mrs Claus at all, it's so lovely! Either one you choose is lovely though, I do love Topshop coats!

    Jennie xo |
